Sunday, December 27, 2009


We celebrated Christmas in the German Thiele Tradition, of eating sausages and Potato salad on Christmas eve. We also decorated the tree and opened our presents on Christmas eve. Evie received lot's of lovely presents, including the amber necklace above from her Papa. Christmas day and boxing day we celebrated more with the family, eating, resting and just spending time together.

Xmas Presents

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Xmas In Delmonhorst

The beautiful xmas markets in Bremen the old city, all lit up at night , it is just Beautiful. This is the xmas tree that is tradition in Germany to decorate the tree on Christmas Eve.

Xmas In Germany

So we have lot's of snow in Germany in the last week, it is now starting to melt but at least we will have a white Xmas , it's so beautiful here when all the Xmas lights are on and there is white everywhere. It has been very cold -10 degrees and parts of Germany -30. The pictures above are of Frank and Heidi 's backyard in Delmonhorst and the snow in Hamburg.This day was bloody cold.

On The Pot

So we decided to give Evie a try on the potty, very funny and it worked first time. We are starting to know now roughly when she needs to go to toilet, both wees and poos, okay so there have been quite a few accidents but we have also had success, wow its awesome. Well it would be great to not have to use nappies in the day think of all the nappies we save. Evie had her first weekend away from me and stayed with her grandparents, she was amazing so happy. I had a nice relaxing weekend and got to sleep loads, feel like I'm catching up on all the sleep I missed out on the first 6 months. Most nights she sleep from 8 till 8 oh its heaven , occasionally she wakes up at 7 or this morning 6. Its amazing how much she changes even in 3 days. Im noticing new expressions, new noises and how strong she is getting. She is so inter active now singing with other people or copying the noises we make. DADDadddadaad is her favorite and she says it to everyone especially herself in the mirror. Very funny.

Monday, December 14, 2009


As giggles are a very rare moments at the moment I finally captured this on video.


SO we went to visit my friend Miia and her two lovely daughters last week in Porvoo which is a village outside of Helsinki.

It was quite cold maybe 2 degrees max temp which took getting ready to go outside quite along time and a bit of struggle, not Evie's favorite thing putting clothes on. Seems all kids hate it. Another plane flight and still very tiring although it was only a 2 hour flight. We didn't do allot as the weather was pretty crap ,cold and wet and very dark, quite a strange experience taking the kids to the park in the dark at 4pm .

We are now back in Hamburg again this week and spending next week and Christmas in Delmonhorst with Olaf's Parents.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Our German Trip

So we have both come to Germany for Evie to meet her Papa Olaf and her Grandparents.

We have now been her for four weeks, We are living in Hamburg for the next two months and spending weekends with Olaf's parents.

The flight was amazing Evie slept for nearly the whole flight, both flights so easy ,I was expecting the worse. The first week of jetlag was a nightmare but within a week she was back to normal

Its very cold here compared to the 40 degree days they are experiencing in Sydney , not sure which I prefer, but it's very grey in Hamburg, today is a light kind of grey and not raining. But most days it rains here which can get a bit grim.But I didn't come here for the weather. Leaving the house is as bit mroe of an effoort here, loads of layers needed , sometimes Evie struggles to move.

I have quite a bit of free time now which I'm not used to , Evies lseeping so much better, through the night from 8 till 8 and then bigger sleeps in the morning now ...

Its so nice that Evie get to know her Dad now, its such a beautiful thing to watch the two of them so comfortable and happy with eachother. Just in time for her saying dadaaa and papapaaaa.No Mamas yet but thats next I heard. Im also enjoying the time with Olaf and his parents getting to knwo them and there culture and country,Im very glad that I go the oppurtunity to come to Germany. Now all I need to do is learn some more German.

8 Month Madness

In the last month Evie has managed to perfect her crawling skills and now is managing to pull herself up standing against furniture her cot and me.
As you can see Evie is now feeding herself and loves fruit Mangoes her favourite. Actually she doesnt like it much when I feed her, so its a very messy experience for all.

SO the last month has been extremly busy getting ready and coming to Germany to meet her Papa and granparents and Aunty.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

7 Months and We ' re off

Trying to keep Evie in one place is not that simple anymore, she's loving being more mobile except she is getting frustrated that she cannot quite move around freely yet but it won't be long. She has started to do the backwards crawl and the plank and dog pose yoga style. 

As  you can see Evie is touching up on her German . He he .
She went through a head shaking phase , screaming and now its the gremlin style grunting when shes frustrated she goes red in the face and sounds possessed. Hopefully that one won't last too long. there are some other really cute noises she is making like a coo coo kind of sound. She is so alert now and is starting to respond to me signing to her which is just so amazing.

Another month of challenges, moving house  and getting ready for our big trip to Germany.
We have been staying with Amy and now at Chris and Leigh's house which is in Tamarama so Its great being close to the beach , as you can see from the photos we have been swimming loads and going in the ocean.

 Evie has had her fair share of colds, I think its about 4 now. Poor little sausage its awful when they get sick can't breath properly , not sleeping and not eating much.  She still has a cold and its been a few weeks now so Im just hoping she gets better before we go to Germany. One week until we leave it's exciting spending a cold xmas hopefully will get to see some snow.

Friday, October 2, 2009

6 Months Half A Year Old

As you can see Evie is fully sitting up all by herself now and is happy to play with her toys for about half an hour , Evie has been sick the last week so she has' nt been eating or been her happy little self but slowly she is getting better she is discovering her voice more yelling out lots of giggles, squeals and funny singing noises, she is quite the little attention seeker. She is moving more on the floor and gets so much stronger , think she will be crawling soon which is quite scary.

We move this sunday again as they have sold our apartment so the next months we will be staying with friends before we go to germany.The weather is getting nicer so we have started swimming outside with all of Evies friends.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

5 Months

Evie attempting to sit up for the first time pic above. and her new discovery of her feet.

5 months old cant believe it, Evie's quite the independent little lady now and is such a character smiling and giggling at everyone when she is out to get there attention, well it works. She has been sitting all by herself for quite a few weeks now and has discovered some more weird and wonderful noises. One noise she grunts and goes red in the face I still have'nt worked out what that noise is. She is so funny at the moment eating peoples faces and starting to pull funny faces and make weird noises to get my attention it works.

Evie's been is sleep training the last week and was quite stressful and tough in the beginning but now shes getting much better almost sleeping through the night , till 5.30 am which is the best sleep so far. Her day sleeps aren't getting any better but hey it doesnt matter just have to try and keep her entertained, she loves songs and dad has a swing in the back yard which keeps her entertained for hours.

Bad news for us we have just found out our new beautiful apartment we moved into just got sold so we have to move in a few weeks feeling not so happy about it , but there is also good news Evie and I are going to Germany for 2 months in November. NOt sure what we will do when we come home another move again, geez..

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Photos By Chris

Photos By Chris

Photos by Chris

Beautiful sunny day in Sydney , Chris took some beautiful pics in his back yard.