Saturday, November 6, 2010

November 19 months

So we are off, we leave to got back home on Monday and I am very excited.

Evie knows what a plane is and makes the noise of a plane but I dont htink she quites understands where we are going.

Her language skills are developing so quickly and shes started putiing two to three words together, in her mishung of German and english mostly German, but occasionally shell copy me, like here we go.

Shes putting clothes on by herself now not correct but it sall about her choice now which I find hilarious, ans she copies everything we do.

She loves books and when we are home we look at books up to 3 times a day, its her favourite thing to do to make all the animal sounds and shes poitning to where al the animals are even if she cant say the names yet.

Evies a very foucused littel girl but also a little but hard to get her to do what you want and everything is nein a the moment so Im having to resort to the good old do you want to go to the park and if se says yes then well you have to get changed.

This is all a big learning curve for me as well but she really understands most things now .

Well I cant wait to be back in Austrlia with Evie at the beach.