Saturday, April 11, 2009

She's Here

Introducing my new little one Evie Lee born 7/04/09 at 12.10am birth weight 3.04kg or 6 pounds 11 and 50 cms long.Here is my new blog on Evie which I will update regularly with pictures.

Well my waters broke at 12.30am on Monday morning , bit of a shock as I was asleep but exciting as I knew it was all about to begin. I wasn’t sure if it was the hot thai curry, the walk on bondi or the acupressure points Dad was pressing for me, lucky for me dad and Maz were staying that night. 24 hours later and had a beautiful little girl.

It all didn’t go to plan , the natural birth that is and I ended up having an emergency caesarian but Im grateful for her being here safe and healthy. The whole experience was quite traumatic so Im not going into detail just that I got really high fevers and baby was distressed so they needed to get her out quick.

I was feeling very relaxed throughout the whole ceasar not worried at all only I just could'nt wait to meet her and the doctors were just amazing. The whole hospital staff have just been brilliant.

Mum and Anne coped amazingly well considering how long and tough it was for me , I also had the help of Helen my hypnobirthing teacher she was amazing and I honestly wouldn’t of coped if they weren’t t there with me. Now it feels like a dream and it feels like 2 hours not 24 they say that you get like an amnesia after birth. Good thing the human body I’m just thankful that I had done the relaxations and hypno which allowed me to get through the tough times during the whole labour.

SO little miss is finally here and she’s gorgeous today was a great day , she fed really well all day lots of feeds and lots of little sleeps and lots of cuddle times, think her favorite spot is just sleeping on my boob, Oh I love watching her its just amazing, We both struggled a little last night think because it was such a shock to both our systems I was doped up on morphine and not quite with it and she would not settle lucky for me the mid wifes took her for a few hours so I could sleep, but today’s been a whole new day . I gave her first bath she absolutely loves the water ,I think all those baths I took every day pregnancy where I trickled water on my belly payed off. She has the longest fingernails and has given herself a few scratches on the face. Shes so cute I just want to eat her up. But I’m biased I’m her mother. Well this is the first of many more blogs to come on the life of Evie Lee Vassallo.