Tuesday, September 1, 2009

5 Months

Evie attempting to sit up for the first time pic above. and her new discovery of her feet.

5 months old cant believe it, Evie's quite the independent little lady now and is such a character smiling and giggling at everyone when she is out to get there attention, well it works. She has been sitting all by herself for quite a few weeks now and has discovered some more weird and wonderful noises. One noise she grunts and goes red in the face I still have'nt worked out what that noise is. She is so funny at the moment eating peoples faces and starting to pull funny faces and make weird noises to get my attention it works.

Evie's been is sleep training the last week and was quite stressful and tough in the beginning but now shes getting much better almost sleeping through the night , till 5.30 am which is the best sleep so far. Her day sleeps aren't getting any better but hey it doesnt matter just have to try and keep her entertained, she loves songs and dad has a swing in the back yard which keeps her entertained for hours.

Bad news for us we have just found out our new beautiful apartment we moved into just got sold so we have to move in a few weeks feeling not so happy about it , but there is also good news Evie and I are going to Germany for 2 months in November. NOt sure what we will do when we come home another move again, geez..