Monday, November 30, 2009

Our German Trip

So we have both come to Germany for Evie to meet her Papa Olaf and her Grandparents.

We have now been her for four weeks, We are living in Hamburg for the next two months and spending weekends with Olaf's parents.

The flight was amazing Evie slept for nearly the whole flight, both flights so easy ,I was expecting the worse. The first week of jetlag was a nightmare but within a week she was back to normal

Its very cold here compared to the 40 degree days they are experiencing in Sydney , not sure which I prefer, but it's very grey in Hamburg, today is a light kind of grey and not raining. But most days it rains here which can get a bit grim.But I didn't come here for the weather. Leaving the house is as bit mroe of an effoort here, loads of layers needed , sometimes Evie struggles to move.

I have quite a bit of free time now which I'm not used to , Evies lseeping so much better, through the night from 8 till 8 and then bigger sleeps in the morning now ...

Its so nice that Evie get to know her Dad now, its such a beautiful thing to watch the two of them so comfortable and happy with eachother. Just in time for her saying dadaaa and papapaaaa.No Mamas yet but thats next I heard. Im also enjoying the time with Olaf and his parents getting to knwo them and there culture and country,Im very glad that I go the oppurtunity to come to Germany. Now all I need to do is learn some more German.

8 Month Madness

In the last month Evie has managed to perfect her crawling skills and now is managing to pull herself up standing against furniture her cot and me.
As you can see Evie is now feeding herself and loves fruit Mangoes her favourite. Actually she doesnt like it much when I feed her, so its a very messy experience for all.

SO the last month has been extremly busy getting ready and coming to Germany to meet her Papa and granparents and Aunty.