Tuesday, April 5, 2011

2 Years Old

Well I thought I would write this a few days early as I will probably be in hospital giving birth or just given birth as bubba is 11 days overdue and maybe could be born on Evies birthday, Thats would be funny.

Wow my little girl is nearly two how exciting!

SO Evie Lee what a month, Shes learned to idenitfy colours now and is one of her favourite things to do and point ou tall the different colours, shes counting in German and English, and generally chit chatting all day long.

Shes getting a bit funny as we get close the baby being born, a bit clingy and whingy but agin she had a cold, love getting all the colds from the kindergarten.

The weatehr warming up which is lovely so we are walking allot more, going ouside and playing at the park and being much more active.

So we are having a party for Evies birthday but not until the 23rd so we will just celebrate her birthday then.