Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Evie 1st Birthday

So Evie Is One and we spent the day at the zoo at Hamburg Tierpark. It was a perfect day with sunshine and all the little baby animals were out. Evie loved the ducks, and cows and goats but was a bit afraid of the elephants.

So the last month Evie has become so much more of a little human, She is really laughing now at everything people in cafes, us and just generally life. All of a sudden she has become the super cute cuddly baby and gives both me and Olaf so many nice kisses and cuddles in the morning and at night.

Her new words this month are tchuss and shoes, and Im convinced she was a monkey slash dog in a past life.

We are going to the local park everyday for breakfast and in the afternoon as well Evie is learning to play with other kids and eating sand dirt, pebbles, acorns and basically whatever she can find. Im enjoying going out as well, after the long winter its lovely to be outside.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010