Thursday, April 29, 2010

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Spring Has Sprung

So Evie spent a few days with Oma and Opa in Delmonhorst, the sun was shining and she had so much fun walking around the back yard playing with the new sand box. Also they took her for bike rides everyday, and we also have taken Evie for a couple of rides in Hamburg so nice to get outside after the long winter!!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Walking Now!!!!!

So Evie is walking everywhere now first it super slow little tiny steps now shes getting more confident I dont have the best video of her here as she was naked in the others . will post later!!

The little lady At The Park

Evie 1st Birthday Party

We had a very lovely but exhausting birthday party for Evie and she got soooo many beautiful gifts and presents from Australia and Germany. My little girl is not a baby any more and Evie decided that she would start walking at her bIrthday party , not just the little tiny steps shes been taking for the last few months.