Tuesday, May 31, 2011

2 years and two months

So this wiil be Evie last alone blog from now on you will need to check the website http://frankieandevie.blogspot.com/. I decided to put the two together as Ive had not so much time in the last 8 weeks and love doing hte blogs but will make a little on both in one.

The last weeks have been mayhem, Evies been a great sister she wants to show Frankie everything.Shes had her testin gmometns where she trys to hurt Frankie, biting her finger or just testing to see my reaction.

At times she gets a little withdrawn and I can see how its affecting her that Frankie is in our lives combined with the fact that she is 2 her world gets a little tough sometimes.

On the other side she is funny and now communicating to us what she wants, if she tired or ganz ganz müde as shes says. She bosses us around and usually knows what she wants.

Her vocabulary now is so wide . Evie´s speaking mostly german but understands everything in English. I dont mind so much anymore and we all understand what she saying well sometime I have to get Olaf to translate for me but Im learing more German because of Evie so thats nice.

Shes os interested in learning the alphabet and colours and numbers it really amazes me how quick she learns , counting from 1 to 20 in both German and English.

Im spending more time now wit Evie as shes home one day from MOnkey Haus which is nice . Im Really looking forward to hotter days and going swimming in Summer with Evie and Frankie.