Tuesday, May 11, 2010

13 Months

The last month has been filled with fun, new noises, sounds, laughter, talking.

As soon as Evie started really walking shes really discovered her independence and now finally she sleeps more then 40 minutes in the day which is really nice.

She loves to dance now , and sing songs da dad ddaaaaddda da all day long. Now she can say mummmmmmmmaaaaaaa so Im very happy. She is also makinga chhhhcchhh sound when we all go to brush our teeth, this is quite cute.

This is a big month for us Evie starts at the Kindergarten and I go to school 4 days a week, so we are all a bit excited about that. Evie is going to the Monkey Haus and really nice there. We are having a get to know period.

The tantrums are just starting now and Evie has quite a little cheeky streak in her and gets quite upset when I say no at the moment. MMMM and this is just the start.

Evies signing much more now, shes signing for more and duck and I can ask her to go things like her hat , or the ball and she goes and gets it and brings it to me or she gives to other people.

In Hamburg they have amazing flee markets for kids and I bought Evie a baby she cries and laughs and she is so in love with baby, I cant believe how much joy a plastic doll can bring to a little kid. Its very cute she carries her around and kisses her and cuddles her.