Friday, December 3, 2010

20 Months Talking talking

So Evie s vocabulary has exploded since we have been in Australia , we would be here close to a month on Wed with Olaf arriving on Saturday yippee.

Evies growing up way to fast and the terrible two s Im afraid is kicking in. Little miss determined and stubborn and very independent. Giving poor mum heart attacks when she just runs off. Oh well atleast she is keeping me fit.

Our days have been spent mainly going outside, swimming, going to parks taking Evie for walks or should I say her taking me for walks. I finally bought her a little harness which stops her from running off.

So some of the words she has learnt in the last few weeks are, nose, ear , eye, hair, door, floor, car, dog, and counting, so funny she counts 1, 2 4 6 8 9 10 ,

Shes still keeping her German words which is interesting but just adding so many English words and when she meets some one she likes she cant stop saying there name. Lola is her favourite word at the moment.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Photos by Chris

So we are in Australia now , loving the weather and enjoying playing outside and the beaches.

Here are some beautiful photos my friend Chris Prestidge took of Evie

Saturday, November 6, 2010

November 19 months

So we are off, we leave to got back home on Monday and I am very excited.

Evie knows what a plane is and makes the noise of a plane but I dont htink she quites understands where we are going.

Her language skills are developing so quickly and shes started putiing two to three words together, in her mishung of German and english mostly German, but occasionally shell copy me, like here we go.

Shes putting clothes on by herself now not correct but it sall about her choice now which I find hilarious, ans she copies everything we do.

She loves books and when we are home we look at books up to 3 times a day, its her favourite thing to do to make all the animal sounds and shes poitning to where al the animals are even if she cant say the names yet.

Evies a very foucused littel girl but also a little but hard to get her to do what you want and everything is nein a the moment so Im having to resort to the good old do you want to go to the park and if se says yes then well you have to get changed.

This is all a big learning curve for me as well but she really understands most things now .

Well I cant wait to be back in Austrlia with Evie at the beach.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Evie 1 and a half

So the little lady is 1 and a half . As you can see from the pictures she is becoming more self sufficient she wants to do everything on her own and gets very angry when you try to help her.

We have had quite some fun in the last few weeks, Evie trying Olafs underwear on, very funny, she is learning more and more words everday and is a total mish mash of german and english, sentences like Mama auch, and Mama auf, juice, fish,and she can say egg in english and german also off in english and up for everything. Also everything at the moment is Das ist.

Evie has been sick quite a few times this month which Im sure doesnt help her moods , but shes still sleeping perfectly and has been an absolute joy, exhausting but lovely. Oh I bought her a new pram for her baby and she love s it, feeding her baby and talking to her baby. Shes really testing the boundaries with u sbut we have decided to try and take a firmer approach as in less then six months there will be another little munchkin in the house.

Not sure if she is ready for potty training yet but she goes to the toilet herself and sits on her own seat she can climb up everyday, nothing comes out but its a start as shes showing interest.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Thursday, August 26, 2010

16 months

So Evie is sorry a little late due to our holiday and Norway and my sheer laziness.

So wow so much is happening now I don't think I can write it all down highlights of her 16 months are , saying Oma , Opa , Mamma Pappa all in one sentence.

Shes getting really good at understanding both English and German now , but most of her words are German at the moment.

We are all having allot of fun together dancing singing, playing oh and Evie cant say ball its gall which is very cute .

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Friday, June 25, 2010

15 Months Mamma

The last month has been full of excitement and Angst. The little lady has cause me quite some angst over the last month, Eve has had a couple of falls and is starting to learn about fear.

So Evie has finally learnt to say Mamma, Oh its so cute and she calls out to me now when I pick her from the Kindergarten. Her new words are Nein Nein and Oma so she is saying 3 new words this month. She understands so much and knows where all her body parts are now, nose , eyes, hair , ears , hands. she is learning so much at the Kindergarten. She is eating on her own now and with a fork which makes eating so much more interesting for Evie. she says nein nein all day long and oh oh if she drops something which is very cute.

Evie is now attempting to get dressed putting on pants and shoes shes not quite the hang of it yet but I don't think it will be long.

Evie loves singing and sings all day , at home and at the Kindergarten I think singing relaxes her .

We have had really hot weather here in Hamburg 30-37 degrees so weve been going to the water everyday , at the parks and the swimming pool. She so confident in the water and doesnt even want to be held in the pool she want s to go on her own, with floaties of course but everything independent. Every morning now she waits at the dorr and whinges because she wants to go the Monkey Haus.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

14 Months

SO the independence has really started from wanting to put on her shoes, to wanting to put clothes on , going on the slippery dip alone, alone in the pool with floaties of course , this little girl has no fear at all and doesn't want her hand holded, which has been a little terrifying for me especially today when she decided to dive down the slide head first and no one was there to catch her.

She has added two more songs to her singing repertoire of course just the melodies but shes always singing, Twinkle twinkle little star, backer Backer kuchen and some other german songs.

She is also signing allot more, banana and more,

Evie now goes to the Monkey Haus 5 days a week at 6 hours and day and she is really happy, no crying any more just a happy kid, I think its really great for her, although her German might develop much more then her English now, but thats okay, she isnt saying much still just a few words adn lots of new sounds and singing and she has started head nodding for communication which is quite funny.