Friday, June 25, 2010

15 Months Mamma

The last month has been full of excitement and Angst. The little lady has cause me quite some angst over the last month, Eve has had a couple of falls and is starting to learn about fear.

So Evie has finally learnt to say Mamma, Oh its so cute and she calls out to me now when I pick her from the Kindergarten. Her new words are Nein Nein and Oma so she is saying 3 new words this month. She understands so much and knows where all her body parts are now, nose , eyes, hair , ears , hands. she is learning so much at the Kindergarten. She is eating on her own now and with a fork which makes eating so much more interesting for Evie. she says nein nein all day long and oh oh if she drops something which is very cute.

Evie is now attempting to get dressed putting on pants and shoes shes not quite the hang of it yet but I don't think it will be long.

Evie loves singing and sings all day , at home and at the Kindergarten I think singing relaxes her .

We have had really hot weather here in Hamburg 30-37 degrees so weve been going to the water everyday , at the parks and the swimming pool. She so confident in the water and doesnt even want to be held in the pool she want s to go on her own, with floaties of course but everything independent. Every morning now she waits at the dorr and whinges because she wants to go the Monkey Haus.

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