Wednesday, February 3, 2010

10 Months

So the last month has been full of emotional highs and lows and new anxieties, the separation anxiety has been at his it's highest but with that comes so many new things. She is copying sounds really well now , like danka and tiger and ow a . She loves to talk on the phone and picks up any phone and tries to talk this is very cute. Evie is giving the nicest cuddles at the moment and last night she gave us both big open mouth kisses mmmm. Her other favorite thing to do is pass things to us also to pretend to drink from any cup including the bath water mmmm. She understands so many words now like cat and her tigger which is her potty and her duck in german and in English so thats pretty exciting.

I have started at the gym and they have a day care center there and I have been trying to put Evie in there but it 's not working at the moment after about ten minutes she realizes I'm gone and gets hysterical oh well I'm sure it will get easier.

As you can see from the pictures Evie is getting quite strong and can stand and now walk with her walker very cute she is not quite ready to walk yet but shouldnt be too long.

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