Sunday, March 7, 2010

11 Months

Four new teeth are making there way into Evie's mouth so she has had quite of bit of trouble from her teeth, as well as a cold this week so she has'nt been her usual bubbly self.

Evie's character is really starting to come through and she is wanting to explore everything, this exploring comes with dangers so now it's time for us to set her boundaries, she is really understanding no now, and shakes her head everytime we say No or Nein.

The new skills Evie has learnt this month is feeding herself, drinking by herself from a cup, Placing ring toys back on the stacker, she is babbling so much and copies us when we are singing, la la la . Evie is constantly trying to pass things, food, or cups or toys, and she tries to feed us which is quite funny for her.

She has also started making dog noises to everything, dogs, cats, rabbits all animals its woof woof. Evie also finds her baby food very boring and has been getting more varied flavours, including chilli concarne, and beetroot dip, what ever we eat without the salt and chilli.

She has started to point to object s that knows, wheres the duck? Wheres the ball,?Wheres, papa?? As well as wheres your belly button?? Where is your ear? She also figured out how to open the dvd player the other day and put a Dvd in, sometime she completely amazes me. Little clever thing.

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