Saturday, January 15, 2011

21 Months The New Year

So we spent our last two months in beautiful Austrlia , im a bit slow in updating as we have been very busy catching up wtih friends and family and getting back to Germany and getting over jet lag.

Our time in Australia was wonderful , busy and an absolute joy for Evie getting to know the family and friends her favourite people were Nanny who liked to give her icecream an dloved running into her arms, Annie who she loved her buddhas , Nonny and Poppy favourite quote nonny and poppys tattoo tataaa which means Dada and Mazzs car. Demir Evies cousin . Not to mention Chris and Leigh.She formed some really special bonds with these poeple and I just hope we get to keep these special bonds up.

She learnt so much ENglish and so many new things to interest here like Koalas and how to jump the waves at hte beach . She absolutely loves the water now more then ever and we tried to go swimming everday.

Her vocabulary is so huge now I cant possibley write down all her words but shes started putting her two to three words sentences together like Evie upstairs and Mama juice please. Its so much fun with Evie now and Im really glad although exhausting I go to spend the last two months with her . Shes quite the mummys girl at the moment which is okay, a little bit exhausting as Im getting to big to carry her .She knows how to throw a wild tantrum which can lead into some serious ground head butting this is the exhausting part and its all about her having her independence. mmmmmmmm.

Flying back with Evie was a dream and the time she was in Australia she became obsessed with Playschool and in the night garden, before the holiday she never was even interested in the tv and thanks to god old Playschool we had hours of entertainment for Evie whilst on the plane.

FEvies favourite memories of Australia, XMas with the family at Phil and Michelles, swimming at beach making sand castles. The see saw of course and all the amazing outdoor parks and nature. Getting to know all te Austrlaian animals, birds koalas .

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