Tuesday, March 8, 2011

1 More Month and Evie´s 2

How time fly's when your having fun. Our little fun monster is just full of surprises at the moment.

Oh we are having such a nice time with Evie now that she can properly communicate and tell us what she wants . Its also the trouble twos really setting in now. Im trying my best to as patient as possible and no this will only last one more year hehe, I hope so anyway.....

The next month will be so interesting baby is due now in 2 weeks and Evie definatltey knows baby is coming and she gets quite exctited .ALso she said the other day baby hitting and hit my stomach, apparently its quite normal at this age ..haha.

So our days are full of fun things to do, drawing, play dough, leggo , playing outside in the parks now the weather is getting much nicer.We go swimming everyweek and her confidence is water is just awesome. She loves getting dressed up into weird combinations of clothes underpants a bib and her flap flap shes, gold little shoes with butterflies on them quite funny.

Shes really talking in sentences now and the songs are getting better and better everyay, oh shes discovered colours and when I ask her what colour is that she says red for everything. I asked her what flavour fruit bar she wanted yesterday and she said blue... Quite funny.

Shes also getting the concept of this opening closing, going up and down, on off, aus an, german and english its quite interesting to watch her whwn she tries to communicate she will tray in both languages sometimes just to make sure shes understood.

Next blog Evies 2 and we have the new addition to the family s exciting....

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