Tuesday, May 31, 2011

2 years and two months

So this wiil be Evie last alone blog from now on you will need to check the website http://frankieandevie.blogspot.com/. I decided to put the two together as Ive had not so much time in the last 8 weeks and love doing hte blogs but will make a little on both in one.

The last weeks have been mayhem, Evies been a great sister she wants to show Frankie everything.Shes had her testin gmometns where she trys to hurt Frankie, biting her finger or just testing to see my reaction.

At times she gets a little withdrawn and I can see how its affecting her that Frankie is in our lives combined with the fact that she is 2 her world gets a little tough sometimes.

On the other side she is funny and now communicating to us what she wants, if she tired or ganz ganz müde as shes says. She bosses us around and usually knows what she wants.

Her vocabulary now is so wide . Evie´s speaking mostly german but understands everything in English. I dont mind so much anymore and we all understand what she saying well sometime I have to get Olaf to translate for me but Im learing more German because of Evie so thats nice.

Shes os interested in learning the alphabet and colours and numbers it really amazes me how quick she learns , counting from 1 to 20 in both German and English.

Im spending more time now wit Evie as shes home one day from MOnkey Haus which is nice . Im Really looking forward to hotter days and going swimming in Summer with Evie and Frankie.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

2 Years Old

Well I thought I would write this a few days early as I will probably be in hospital giving birth or just given birth as bubba is 11 days overdue and maybe could be born on Evies birthday, Thats would be funny.

Wow my little girl is nearly two how exciting!

SO Evie Lee what a month, Shes learned to idenitfy colours now and is one of her favourite things to do and point ou tall the different colours, shes counting in German and English, and generally chit chatting all day long.

Shes getting a bit funny as we get close the baby being born, a bit clingy and whingy but agin she had a cold, love getting all the colds from the kindergarten.

The weatehr warming up which is lovely so we are walking allot more, going ouside and playing at the park and being much more active.

So we are having a party for Evies birthday but not until the 23rd so we will just celebrate her birthday then.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

1 More Month and Evie´s 2

How time fly's when your having fun. Our little fun monster is just full of surprises at the moment.

Oh we are having such a nice time with Evie now that she can properly communicate and tell us what she wants . Its also the trouble twos really setting in now. Im trying my best to as patient as possible and no this will only last one more year hehe, I hope so anyway.....

The next month will be so interesting baby is due now in 2 weeks and Evie definatltey knows baby is coming and she gets quite exctited .ALso she said the other day baby hitting and hit my stomach, apparently its quite normal at this age ..haha.

So our days are full of fun things to do, drawing, play dough, leggo , playing outside in the parks now the weather is getting much nicer.We go swimming everyweek and her confidence is water is just awesome. She loves getting dressed up into weird combinations of clothes underpants a bib and her flap flap shes, gold little shoes with butterflies on them quite funny.

Shes really talking in sentences now and the songs are getting better and better everyay, oh shes discovered colours and when I ask her what colour is that she says red for everything. I asked her what flavour fruit bar she wanted yesterday and she said blue... Quite funny.

Shes also getting the concept of this opening closing, going up and down, on off, aus an, german and english its quite interesting to watch her whwn she tries to communicate she will tray in both languages sometimes just to make sure shes understood.

Next blog Evies 2 and we have the new addition to the family s exciting....

Friday, February 18, 2011

22 Months

So Evie is only 2 months away from 2 years, Oh wow and how fast its gone.
Little baby is gone and now is a gorgeous and very determined little lady.

Oma and Opa bought Evie a new table and chairs and lately her favourite thing to do is playing Cup of Teas, which she says Up a Tea.

Shes repeating everything at the moment and is really aware of the new baby coming soon.She asked her day care mum to come home , why Sonya asked, Mamma baby home. Oh my heart nearly broke.

I am really looking forward to her being involved in the birth of the new bubba, she wont be there at the time but we want to involve her as much as possible after .

Evies become quite the little comedian, pulling funny faces at us and laughing at her own farts, We have laughed so much over the last few weeks.

Our current challenge is to walk down the street holding hands she will not and wants to do it her own , so she lays on the ground even in -5 snowy weather which can be quite frustrating. Oh patience please. Took us over an hour to walk home the other day.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

21 Months The New Year

So we spent our last two months in beautiful Austrlia , im a bit slow in updating as we have been very busy catching up wtih friends and family and getting back to Germany and getting over jet lag.

Our time in Australia was wonderful , busy and an absolute joy for Evie getting to know the family and friends her favourite people were Nanny who liked to give her icecream an dloved running into her arms, Annie who she loved her buddhas , Nonny and Poppy favourite quote nonny and poppys tattoo tataaa which means Dada and Mazzs car. Demir Evies cousin . Not to mention Chris and Leigh.She formed some really special bonds with these poeple and I just hope we get to keep these special bonds up.

She learnt so much ENglish and so many new things to interest here like Koalas and how to jump the waves at hte beach . She absolutely loves the water now more then ever and we tried to go swimming everday.

Her vocabulary is so huge now I cant possibley write down all her words but shes started putting her two to three words sentences together like Evie upstairs and Mama juice please. Its so much fun with Evie now and Im really glad although exhausting I go to spend the last two months with her . Shes quite the mummys girl at the moment which is okay, a little bit exhausting as Im getting to big to carry her .She knows how to throw a wild tantrum which can lead into some serious ground head butting this is the exhausting part and its all about her having her independence. mmmmmmmm.

Flying back with Evie was a dream and the time she was in Australia she became obsessed with Playschool and in the night garden, before the holiday she never was even interested in the tv and thanks to god old Playschool we had hours of entertainment for Evie whilst on the plane.

FEvies favourite memories of Australia, XMas with the family at Phil and Michelles, swimming at beach making sand castles. The see saw of course and all the amazing outdoor parks and nature. Getting to know all te Austrlaian animals, birds koalas .

Friday, December 3, 2010

20 Months Talking talking

So Evie s vocabulary has exploded since we have been in Australia , we would be here close to a month on Wed with Olaf arriving on Saturday yippee.

Evies growing up way to fast and the terrible two s Im afraid is kicking in. Little miss determined and stubborn and very independent. Giving poor mum heart attacks when she just runs off. Oh well atleast she is keeping me fit.

Our days have been spent mainly going outside, swimming, going to parks taking Evie for walks or should I say her taking me for walks. I finally bought her a little harness which stops her from running off.

So some of the words she has learnt in the last few weeks are, nose, ear , eye, hair, door, floor, car, dog, and counting, so funny she counts 1, 2 4 6 8 9 10 ,

Shes still keeping her German words which is interesting but just adding so many English words and when she meets some one she likes she cant stop saying there name. Lola is her favourite word at the moment.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Photos by Chris

So we are in Australia now , loving the weather and enjoying playing outside and the beaches.

Here are some beautiful photos my friend Chris Prestidge took of Evie