Friday, April 17, 2009

2 weeks Today

Two weeks have flown by so fast and I'm just busy all the time well it feel s like it anyway. Today was a tough one Evies had lots of wind the last few days so shes pretty unsettled, seems like I have held her all day today. She has found her lungs the last few days wow babies can cry. The first seven days she was amazing and I didnt even hear her cry much at all , well shes defiantley made up for it now.

I arrived at dad and Mazz's last night so we are in Port Macquarie or Bonny Hills which is about 30 mins south of Port. I decided to go away for a few weeks to recover after my surgery as it was quite a shock to my system, and its pretty hard at my apartment with the stairs.. It's nice to be away but I think I'll get bored pretty quick . The weathers been terrible so lot's of days in .

Think shes just going through the unsettled period which is suppose to be normal doesnt make it any easier.Its so hard when you don'tknow what's wrong with them and they just cry. Dad 'sbeen amazing taking over whenI need a break.

Evie had her first check at the early childhood centre yesterday , they were really lovely there and everything is great apart from the wind issues .Evie has put on 500gms in under two weeks which is amazing considering normal weight gain is 150gms a week little fatty. Shes feeding really well, Im enjoying breast feeding her

Here is the link to my facebook sight where you can look at more pictures of Evie. Off to bed now.

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