Monday, April 27, 2009

Week 3

Wow time flys when your busy with a newborn. I can't believe how much she is changing. It's all that feeding little chubber cheeks and little double chin coming along nicely.

This week has been mixed between days of silence and perfect sleeping baby to the complete opposite of screaming child, She has had some really bad wind but I prefer to have an awake baby during the days who sleeps most of the night then the other way around.Last night she woke everyhour tiring.

We have been getting out and about down the beach most days, she does'nt love the pram so I carry her in the wrap , Its awesome but im trying to get her used to not being on me all the time. Todays was successfull. I managed a walk to the beach and home and she slept for 3 hours after some crying. I had a sleep as well.

Its really beautiful here but Im really missing my friends. Think I will stay for 2 more weeks then headback to sydney. Plus there has been a whooping cough outbreak up here which is a bit scary.

Im feeling good apart from the tiredness , my scar is healed now and I cant wait to start excercising again.

Oh and I think I got my first smile today and I don't think it was wind this time.

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