Monday, May 4, 2009

Evies first holiday - 4 weeks old

Dad , Maz and I decided to get away for five days to south west rocks,a sleepy little coastal town in between Port Macquarie and CoffsHarbour. We got a gorgeous little unit over looking the beach, it was great and very relaxing lots of long walks on the beach. Quite funny because every time Dad and I go places people congratulate both of us on our new baby , Dad's like no I'm the grandfather, I just giggle. Now I wonder why people smile at the me and the baby and then look strangely at Dad, hehe. So the time away was really nice, we went swimming everyday the water was 21 degrees and so warm. We did'nt have a bath at the unit so I bathed Evie in the kitchen sink she so loves the water and now we are having baths together everyday. So nice too share these moments with her. Shes just so cute and as much as I love seeing her change it's so nice her being small and compact.

Now I'm back at Port and I leave to go home this weekend. I'm really looking forward into getting into my new life and now I'm feeling really confident about being a Mum now. Evie's been quite unsettled during the day . I feel like its ground hog day at the moment. The same every three hours, feed change nappies burp, wrap settle put to bed cry ,more cries, she falls asleep wakes up cries falls asleep cries, feeds, burps etc. Today was the first day Evie has been interactive I had her on the toy gym (pictures above) and she was making some gurgles and happy noises and some smiling , nice change from all the crying. I'm getting used to the crying now and don't freak out everytime she goes bright red in the face and screams I know she's got wind and does'nt take me long to settle her. Wow she has some lungs on her , I also think she just needs to cry just to get all the energy out. Tonight she has slept for close to four hours , and at night shes great no crying . Few feeds every night, and Im not feeling too tired.

Shes starting to lose her hair at the front looks quite funny like a balding man. Its really fair underneath so I think she'll be a little blondie. Feeding is still going well, she gets very unhappy with me if I take her away from the boob. Ohoh shes waking better go and feed the little hungry bunny.

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